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Air Purifiers and
Surface Sterilisers

Bringing Clean, Healthy Air to Your Building

Air purifying and surface sterilising solutions for the workplace. Portable, floor standing, cabinet and above-ceiling models. Specifically designed and proven to kill viruses, such as Covid-19 in the air and on surfaces and fabrics.


With integrated CO2 monitoring and reporting systems, React-Air utilises the power of UVC, HEPA and activated carbon filtration to clean air and surfaces within your building - nothing is more effective at ensuring the safety of the air you breathe. 

remove pollen

Remove pollen

destroy viruses

Destroy viruses inc. Covid-19

Remove dust particles

Remove dust particles

Prevent staphylococcus

Prevent staphylococcus

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Remove smoke and fumes

Remove smoke & fumes

Eliminate odours

Eliminate odours

Air Purifiers and Surface Sterilisers

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React-Air Impact
React-Air Evo01.png

Commercial, standalone air purifier and surface steriliser.

Connect multiple Impacts on WIFI or 4g.

Commercial, freestanding air purifier and surface steriliser.

Connect multiple Expanse units on WIFI or 4g.

Commercial, standalone air purifier and surface steriliser.

Connect multiple Evo units on WIFI or 4g.

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Above ceiling air purifier.

Installs into your existing ceiling infrastructure.


Professional, portable pathogen destroyer for commercial environments.

React-Air Delta Air Exchanger

Air purifier and fresh air exchanger. Manage Carbon Dioxide levels within your building.

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What our customers are saying.

Our products have been tested and proven effective against Covid-19

Our React-Air Technology has been tested by CDC approved laboratories in the United States for their effectiveness against removing and neutralising airborne (aerosolised) Covid-19 from the air.  In multiple trials, our 'Destroyer' technology proved a 89% neutralisation rate of Covid-19 under test conditions, within 15 minutes of operation.


Trials were undertaken by introducing airborne (aerosolised) Covid-19 in to a sealed test-environment.  After a number of control tests (without our technology) and full tests (with our technology), airborne Covid-19 was found to be reduced from 27% of average control test degradation to 89% with our React-Air Technology in place, within 15 minutes.


Download the full the test report here


Studies by The University of Boston undertaken in 2020 have shown that Covid-19 is highly susceptible to UVC light.  Japanese scientists have been conducting studies on the effects of ozone in neutralising Covid-19 on surfaces and have shown it to be highly effective with a 90% sterilisation rate.  This information, published by shows the results and effective dosages of UV-C light required to inactivate various strains of coronavirus.

“Table 1 above summarises the results of studies that have been performed on Coronaviruses under ultraviolet light exposure, with the specific species indicated in each case. The D90 value indicates the ultraviolet dose for 90% inactivation.


Although there is a wide range of variation in the D90 values, this is typical of laboratory studies on ultraviolet susceptibility. The range of D90 values for coronaviruses is 7-241 J/m2 the mean of which is 67 J/m2, should adequately represent the ultraviolet susceptibility of the SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) virus.”


By using this exposure data, and comparing the UV light irradiance measurements from our products, we calculate the exposure times required to deactivate coronaviruses.  This is however, a calculation and currently is not backed up by laboratory tests.

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