Covid-19 Coronavirus Response
Updated Sun 15th March 2020
The steps Reaction Group is taking to keep our colleagues, clients and the general public safe
In the last two weeks, the global spread of the coronavirus outbreak has caused much disruption and many tragic deaths throughout the world. No country has been successful in eliminating the risk of infection and at Reaction Group, we fully support the UK Government's approach and policies. Here is a summary of the steps we have taken to manage and reduce risk.
1. All of our colleagues have sat World Health Organisation (WHO) training
All of our staff have been through the official WHO training on coronavirus awareness and risk mitigation. This training ensures that we are following official guidance. Further training will be provided as the situation develops and as is required to ensure that we are all working in the safest way possible.
2. We are insisting that all of our colleagues self-isolate if they develop symptoms and we are offering full pay for this time off of work
To avoid the spread of Covid-19, we are encouraging our team members to self-isolate for at least 7 days if they develop any symptoms (new cough, shortness of breath, high temperature) of Covid-19. Our colleagues will be paid fully for the time taken for self-isolation. This is to avoid the spread of any potential infection to other colleagues, our clients and members of the public. We currently have no staff who have travelled to any other affected nations within the last month. Any staff returning from other countries would be expected to self-isolate for a period of 14 days before returning to work.
3. We are equipping our engineers with disinfectant wipes, disposable gloves and hand sanitisers to ensure cleanliness of our colleagues and to work areas both before work has started and when work is complete
Our team have been instructed and trained to wash their hands regularly (using hand sanitiser in the unlikely event that wash facilities are not available) and also wipe down their work area with disinfectant wipes both before and after work. This is to reduce the likelihood of the potential spread of the virus. Furthermore, if our engineers are testing computer or kitchen equipment, this wipe-down procedure will help to disinfect any client equipment or surfaces, leaving them cleaner for our engineer having been there.
4. WE ARE NOT...
Some of the things we will not be doing are...
Stopping service continuity unless government guidance requires it
Our customers rely on us to keep them compliant and their facilities operating safely. We are therefore committed to continuous service delivery using the safest possible systems of work. Complete quarantine or shut-down of our offices or engineering teams would not only be damaging to our clients but would also go against the UK strategy of reducing the peak of the epidemic. We therefore believe that, at this time, continuing our normal but safe operations are in everyone's best interest. Service suspension would only be introduced if the UK Government Guidance required it.
Being Complacent
Covid-19 poses a real and serious health risk and we take this very seriously. We believe that the implementation of the steps we have introduced is an ongoing operational priority.
Taking Unnecessary Risks
The safety and wellbeing of our staff, clients, the general public and the most vulnerable members of our society are our top priority. We will be conducting auditing to ensure compliance with this policy and will be reviewing our plan on a daily basis as the situation changes.